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Live online wine tasting

Thu, 01 Apr


Online live tasting

Motto: "Fresh for the Easter weekend" - three fresh, delicately fruity types for the long weekend

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Live online wine tasting
Live online wine tasting

Zeit & Ort

01 Apr 2021, 19:00

Online live tasting

Über die Veranstaltung

Under the title"The Faces behind the Cries - Edition 4.0"will be broadcast live from the winery on Friday, March 26th and Thursday, April 1st, 2021.

Our focus is initially on particularly long-lived treasure chamber wines. For the first time since the award ceremonyDecanter World Wine Awards 2017in London, we give the winning wine with the title"Best Dry German Riesling"from our treasury.

Fresh into the Easter weekend with our particularly finely fruity wines and a rosé sparkling wine.

Spend two entertaining lockdown evenings with us in a relaxed atmosphere and get to know our vineyard, cellar and vinotheque team better.

=>YouTube video with impressions of the live online event in December 2020 

Online  Live tasting: "Faces behind the wines - Edition 4.0"

Part  1: Friday, March 26, 2021 at 7 p.m

Motto: "Schatzkammerweine" - Three long-lived wines from and for the Schatzkammer

Part  2: Thursday, April 1, 2021, 7 p.m.  

Motto: "Fresh for the Easter weekend" - three fresh, finely fruity types   for the long weekend

By the way, enjoying wine at Easter would also be guaranteed, because all   six opened bottles, if not drunk yet, are in perfect drinking condition until the long Easter weekend  

Vinothek manager Sven Borgwardt and our two  wine tasting speakers Helge Reuther and Gabi Schäffer moderate the  tastings. Participation in the live online event is   free if you buy the six wines / sparkling wines in theTrial package "Faces behind  den wines - Edition 4.0"acquire.

-> Further information and a trial package are available here in the online shop

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